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Useful Contacts

Ian Thorne

Independent Financial Advisor
Tel 0192 383 9519

HMRC Employer Helpline 

0300 200 3200

Health & Safety Executive

0870 154 5500

Office of Fair Trading

0845 722 4499

Institute of Directors

0270 839 1233

Chander Bagga

Valens Solicitors

Tel 0203 368 3970

HMRC Business Payment Support Service

0845 302 1435

Patent Office

0845 950 0505

Small Firms Loan Guarantee

Government backed scheme guaranteeing loans for firms that cannot obtain a loan due to lack of security
0114 259 5000

Navtaij Hundal

Pathfinder Financial Planning

Tel 0755 562 9133

HMRC VAT Helpline

0300 200 3700

Trading Standards Institute

0870 872 9008

Information Commissioner

Guidance on Data Protection Act
01625 545 7450

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